This is an ideal solution for the Amazon sellers who wants to daily import the sales data fulfilled by Amazon shipment to Tally.
This includes only Sales Data fulfilled by Amazon shipment
1.Watch Demo Video
This document will guide you how to import Amazon FBA sales data to Tally.ERP9.
We have tried to make the data conversion process simpler so that anyone can use it without technical skills.
2.Create Following Masters in Tally
Create following masters in Tally before you begin
Type | Name | Additional info |
Voucher Type | Amazon Sales | Under SalesVoucher Numbering – Manual – Prevent Duplicate – YES |
Ledger | | Under Sundry DebtorsYou can set as ALIAS to your existing ledger |
Ledger | ship-promotion-discount | Under Indirect Expense or Sales |
Ledger | Gift Wrap | Under Indirect Expense or Sales |
Ledger | Gift Wrap Promo Discount | Under Indirect Expense or Sales |
Ledger | Item Promo Discount | Under Indirect Expense or Sales |
Ledger | Shipping Charges | Under Indirect Expense or Sales |
Ledger | CGST @ XX% | Under Duties & Taxes |
Ledger | SGST @ XX% | Under Duties & Taxes |
Ledger | IGST @ XX% | Under Duties & Taxes |
Ledger | Sales GST Local @ XX% | Under Sales AccountsInventory Values effected = YES |
Ledger | Sales GST Interstate @ XX% | Under Sales AccountsInventory Values effected = YES |
Stock Items | As per SKU column | You can create as per SKU name or set as ALIAS |
UOM | As per Tally |
3.Follow Step by Step Process
To get started, Login to your account
1. Select Template Amazon FBA Sales as shown below and click process data
2. Add / Select company in which you want to import the data
3. Before you upload the data, we recommend you to download the sample file as shown below and go through the entire format.
Download sample format as shown in below screen
Let me explain you, How to download above format from Amazon Seller Central?
Go to REPORTS Tab Select “Fulfilment by Amazon”
Click on Amazon Fulfilled Shipments
Go to Download tab and set from date – to date range report and click request Download. Once report is ready, download button is visible, click on Download
The data will be downloaded in Text format. Copy entire data and paste it in Excel file as it is and add 4 new columns as highlighted in green color in above explanation table.
Now let’s begin with data conversion steps
Once you are ready with your excel data then Choose file and Upload the Excel
Now Click on Process Data
Now Download Converted XML
- Now import the converted XML to Tally as shown in below snap shots, using option import data > Voucher
Before importing the XML in Tally.ERP9 make sure that all required masters like Amazon ledger, Sales ledgers, Tax ledgers, item masters, Godown, etc are exist in your Tally data.
Note : If the data is not imported successfully then check error message in calculator panel or check Tally.imp log file available under Tally’s folder.
Colum Wise Explanation
We have added 4 new column for successful data import in Tally as highlighted in green color below.
Columns highlighted in GREEN are not available in Amazon FBA downloaded report. User are required to fill the same as per the below explanation. | ||
Column | Column name | Explanation |
A | amazon-order-id | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
B | Invoice Number | You can keep Amazon Order Number as Voucher Number in Tally as the current GST for B2C filing structure doesn’t required invoice numbers to be submitted. OR You can download the report from Tax Document Library > Merchant Tax Report and get the Invoice number by applying Vlookup with Order ID |
C | merchant-order-id | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
D | shipment-id | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
E | shipment-item-id | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
F | amazon-order-item-id | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
G | merchant-order-item-id | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
H | purchase-date | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
I | payments-date | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
J | shipment-date | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
K | reporting-date | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
L | buyer-email | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
M | buyer-name | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
N | buyer-phone-number | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
O | sku | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
P | UOM | In this column put Unit of Measurement for each stock item as per Tally.ERP9 like Pcs, Nos, Ltrs, etc. |
Q | product-name | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
R | Tax Rate | In this column put the GST Tax rate as applicable to your each stock items. |
S | quantity-shipped | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
T | currency | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
U | item-price | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
V | item-tax | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
W | shipping-price | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
X | shipping-tax | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
Y | gift-wrap-price | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
Z | gift-wrap-tax | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AA | ship-service-level | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AB | recipient-name | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AC | ship-address-1 | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AD | ship-address-2 | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AE | ship-address-3 | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AF | ship-city | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AG | ship-state | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AH | Seller State | In this column specify YOUR State from where material is dispatched |
AI | ship-postal-code | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AJ | ship-country | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AK | ship-phone-number | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AL | bill-address-1 | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AM | bill-address-2 | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AN | bill-address-3 | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AO | bill-city | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AP | bill-state | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AQ | bill-postal-code | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AR | bill-country | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AS | item-promotion-discount | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AT | ship-promotion-discount | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AU | carrier | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AV | tracking-number | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AW | estimated-arrival-date | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AX | fulfillment-center-id | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AY | fulfillment-channel | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
AZ | sales-channel | No change, keep it as downloaded from Amazon Seller Central |
Important Note: We strongly recommend user to create Separate Voucher Type “Amazon Sales” under Sales & Keep voucher numbering Manual > Prevent Duplicate = YES
Important Note
– Please make sure that the ledger masters are already existing in your tally data
– If possible create separate amazon sales voucher types with voucher numbering method manual & prevent duplicate = YES
– Option “Ignore errors during data import” should be YES. Find this option on Gateway of Tally > Press F12 > General