1) What is a Godown?

Godown is a place where stock items are stored. You can specify where the stock items are kept.
Tally is very user friendly and thus provides you options to create multiple  godowns but however by default tally creates single godown i.e. MAIN LOCATION.

For Example Main location, Bhiwandi Warehouse, Amazon FBA, etc

2) What are the Types of Godowns?

Based on the Godown types, you can view the stock summary from the Stock Summary report.

To display the Stock Summary based on various Godown Types

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally Stock Summary. The Stock Summary report appears as shown below:
  2. Click Godown Type button or press Ctrl+G .
 Note: This button appears only when the option Maintain multiple Godowns is enabled in F11: Inventory Features
  1. Select the stock details from the Type of Values list. The Type of Values list appears as shown below:

All types

This report displays the stock including your stock lying with third parties and third parties stock lying with you, as shown:

  • Select the required Stock Group/Item to drill down for further details and other options as discussed in Displaying Stock Summary 

Our stock and third party stock with us

This report displays the stock including the third party stock lying with you, and excluding your stock with the third parties, as shown:

  • Select the required Stock Group/Item

Our stock with third party

This report displays your stock lying with the third parties, such as, Job workers, consignment agents, bonded warehouse, etc., as shown:

  • Select the required Stock Group/Item

Our stock with us

This report displays the stock after excluding your stock lying with third parties and the third party stock with you, as shown:

  • Select the required Stock Group/Item

3) How to Enable a Godown?

Set the option ‘ Maintain Multiple Godowns ’ under F11:Features (F2: Inventory Features) to activate Multiple Godowns in Tally.

Note: After setting the option ‘Maintain Multiple Godowns’ to ‘Yes’ in the F11:Features (F2: Inventory Features), ‘Main Location’ will be available by default in Tally.

On activating a Godown: 

  1. Godown or Location details will be available while entering any Inventory Allocation or Opening Stock for any Stock Item.

2. The option for a Godown Summary is made available under Inventory Reports. 

4) How to Create a Godown/Location?

To create a Godown\Location

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info > Locations/Godowns > Create (under Single Godown). The Location/Godown Creation screen is displayed as shown:
  2. Specify the Name of the Location/Godown.
  3. Enter an Alias name for the Location/Godown name, if required.
  4. Specify the Location/Godown Under which the Location/Godown is to be categorised. Use Alt + C to create the parent Location/Godown if it is not in the list. Select Primary , if it is not a sub Location/Godown of any Location/Godown.
  5. Use for : This section is provided in Tally.ERP 9 Release 3.0 where users can create the godowns to store:
  • The stock of the company lying with third party like Consignment Agent, Bonded Ware house, Job worker, and so on.


  • Third Party stock lying with the company in case company has received the stock for Job Work or acting as consignment agent or for any other reason.
  • Our Stock with Third Party: Set this option to Yes if the godown is used to account the company’s goods lying with the third party.
  • Third Party Stock with us: Set this option to Yes if the godown created is used to account the goods received from third party and the stock of third party should not affect the company stock value.

  • Creating a Single Location/Godown – Advance Mode:

    Advance Mode indicates enabling certain options in Inventory master configuration screen in order to add or remove field which require in Godown Master.

    In the Godown Creation screen, press F12: Configure (Godown Configuration) screen is displayed as shown.

    • Use Addresses for Godowns : Setting this option to Yes enables the Address field in Godown Master
  • Accts / Inventory Info. Configuration

    1. Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Accts /Inventory Info .
    2. Allow Advanced Entries in Masters : Setting this option to Yes enables the Allow Storage of Materials option in Godown Master. The Location/Godown Creation in Advance Mode screen is displayed as shown: 
  • A brief description of each additional field in Godown Creation screen is given below.

    1. The field Address is a Multi-Line Field. You can enter the Address for Godown.
    2. This option Allow storage of materials is used for deciding whether storage of material is allowed in this Godown or not. The Godown for which the Allow Storage of Materials is selected as No, will not appear in the Godowns list, during Voucher entry.
  • For Example,

    Godown A is under Chennai Location. Here, Chennai is a Location and Godown A is a place where material is stored.

    For Chennai, Allow Storage of Materials is set to No, since this will not store the material. During Entry, Chennai will not get listed in the List of Godown .

    For Godown A, Allow Storage of Material is set to Yes, since this will store the material. During Entry, Godown A will get listed in the List of Godown .

5) How to Enable Multiple Godowns?

You can create

Multiple Godowns to store stock items at multiple locations.

To enable multiple godowns

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > Inventory Features .
  2. Set Maintain Multiple Godowns/Excise Units? to Yes . The Company Operations Alteration screen appears as shown below:
  3. Press Ctrl+A to accept.

6) How to Create Multiple Godowns/Location?

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Locations/Godowns > Create (under Multiple Godowns).

The Multi Godown Creation screen is displayed as shown below:

  1. Select the parent group under which you want the new Godowns to be created in the field Under Godown . If you select any specific Godown other than All Items, then all the new Godowns will be created under that Godown. Selecting All Items gives you the flexibility of specifying the parent of each new Godown created.
  2. Specify the Name of the Godown.
  3. If you select All Items in the field Under Godown , you must specify a parent Godown here. If you select a specific Godown in the field Under Godown, that Godown will be displayed automatically in this column.

7) How to Create Job Work in Godown?

You can create this godown to account the goods received from the principal manufacturer for Job Work.

To create the Job Work (In) Location Godown

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Godowns > Create .
  2. Enter Name of the godown.
  3. Select Primary in the field Under .
  4. Set the option Our stock with third party? to No. 
  5. Set the option Third party stock with us? to Yes .

The completed screen appears as shown below:

6. Press Enter to save. 

8) How to Enable Godowns for Job Costing?

Godowns in Tally.ERP 9 are created as Job locations. On Enabling Job Costing for the company, the option to set a project for job costing is available in the master. Once a godown is allocated to the job/project, all the materials issued or received for that particular job or project will be accounted for, and will reflect in the reports.

Note: Create one godown for each job or project for effective job costing.

For enabling a Godown as location for job costing

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Godowns > Create.
  2. Enter the Name of the location.
  3. Select Primary or the godown Under which the location has to be grouped.
  4. Press Enter to skip Allow Storage of Materials .
  5. Select a job/project to Set job/project for job costing .
  6. Press Enter .

The Godown Creation screen appears as shown below:


Note: On specifying a project for job costing, the section Use For: is skipped automatically.

7. Press Enter to save the location.

9) What is Godown/Location Voucher?

Godown/Location Vouchers is a list of all vouchers for a particular item that are related to the selected Godown/Location during the period of display. The relationship could be stock inward/outward of the particular location.

List of all transactions based on the particular Godown/Location will be displayed here.

To display Godown Vouchers

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statements of Inventory > Godowns/ Locations
  2. Select a Godown/Location.
  3. Select an item from the List of Items and drill down to the voucher level.

F12: Configuration in Godown Vouchers Report

Configurations will enable the user to view the report according to the user requirements.

  • Show Narrations also : By default, this option will be set to No . Set Yes to view the report with narration for all transactions.
  • Select vouchers to show : By default, ‘All Vouchers’ will be displayed for the godown selected. If you like to view only ‘Inwards’ or only ‘Outwards’ entries then the same can be selected from vouchers to show
  • Show goods inwards : By default, this option will be set to Yes . It will display the all ‘Inward’ details, like inward quantities, inward rate and inward value.
  • Show goods outwards : By default, this option will be set to Yes . It will display the all ‘Outward’ details, like outward quantities, outward rate and outward value.
  • Show Closing Balance : By default, this option will be set to Yes . It will display closing quantity, rate and value.
  • Closing Quantity = Opening quantity + Inward Quantity – Outward Quantity
  • Closing Rate = Closing Value / Closing Quantity
  • Closing Value = The Closing Stock Value will be based on the Costing Method adopted for each item.
  • Show using Alternate Units: By default this option will be set to ‘No’ . By setting this option to ‘Yes’ , it will display the Alternate Units information, if stock item is created with the Alternate units
  • Show Tail Units of Compound Units : By default this option will be set to ‘No’ . By setting this option to ‘Yes’ , it will display the Compound Units information, if stock item is created with the Compound units.
  • Show Gross Value for Outwards : Gross value of Outwards refers to that value which is inclusive of the values of VAT/any other allowed ledger which is used during the sales of any item. By default this option will be set to ‘No’ , when it is set ‘Yes’, it will display the gross value of the outwards.
  • Show Consumption & Gross Profit for ‘Outwards’? : By default this option will be set to ‘ No ’. Pressing F7: Show Profit in the button bar or enabling this option in F12: Configuration will display the consumption and profit / loss of Godown selected.
  • Show Gross Profits on Gross Value : By default this option will be set to ‘No’. When this option is set to Yes, the gross profit will be calculated on the Gross Value which is inclusive of the values of VAT/any other allowed ledger which is used during the sales of any item.
  • Sorting Method : This will help you to view the report ‘Alphabetical’ wise increasing / decreasing report

Button Options in Godown Vouchers Report

  • F4: Godown : Navigation to other Godown of the same item or different stock item from the same report.
  • F5: Batch : This report will display the selected Godown and Item based Batch report.
  • F6:Dly Brk-up : This report will display the daily wise movement of the stock item godown wise.
  • F7: Show Profit : Godown wise stock item profitability will be displayed
  • : Stock Alter : You can alter the information available in the stock item master screen.

10) How to Delete a Godown?

You can delete a godown that does not have sub-godowns, or has been used in transactions. However, a godown already in use can be deleted only after removing the sub-godowns under it, and after deleting all transactions in which it has been selected.

Note: You cannot delete the default godown in Tally.ERP 9.

To delete a godown

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Godowns > Alter .
  2. Select the required godown from the List of Godowns .
  3. In the Godown Alteration screen, press Alt+D .
  4. Press Enter to delete the godown.

Deleting godowns that are already in use:

Godown having a sub-godown

You can delete a godown having a sub-godown.

For this, delete the sub-godown and then delete the godown.

To delete a sub-godown

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Godowns > Alter .
  2. Select the sub-godown from the Select Godown screen.
  3. Press Alt+D to delete the sub-godown.

Once you have deleted a sub-godown, you can delete the main godown by following the steps above.

Godown having stock items used in a transaction

Before you delete a godown that has stock items used in a transaction, move the stock items to a different godown. For this, you need to perform an inter-godown transfer. You do not have to delete the transaction to delete the godown.


SOURCE: help.tallysolutions.com