1) Watch Demo Video
2) Follow Step By Step Process
1. Login in to your Excel2Tally.in account
2. Select Template “Ledger Master”
3. Click “Process Data”
4. Add Company & Select Template.
5. Download Sample file format
6. Once you are ready with your excel data then Choose file and Upload Excel
STEP – 1
7. Now Click Process Excel
STEP – 2
8. Now Click Download XML
STEP – 3
9. Now import the converted XML to Tally, using option import data > Masters > Modify with New Data
10. In case data is not imported in Tally than check Tally.imp file for data import log report.
3) Column Wise Explanation
The column names given in RED are compulsory and are required to be filled where as the column names given in BLACK are optional
Column Name | Explanation | Excel Template Explanation |
Ledger Name | The name of the ledger | |
Alias | This will be the code number or the short name of the particular ledger | A-001 |
Group Name | This will be the name of the group for particular product | CASIO MJ-120D is grouped under Calculators |
Credit Period | The credit period is the number of days that a customer is allowed to wait before paying an invoice | 30 days |
Address Line 1 | The address of the concerned party/supplier | |
Address Line 2 | The address of the concerned party/supplier | |
Address Line 3 | The address of the concerned party/supplier | |
Address Line 4 | The address of the concerned party/supplier | |
Country | The Country in which the concerned party or suppliers business is being registered | India |
State | The State in which the concerned party or suppier’s business is being registered | Maharashtra |
Pin code | The pin code of the area where business is being taken place | 401107 |
Contact Person | The name of the Party/Supplier | Mr.Ramesh |
Phone No | The phone number of the Party/Supplier | 22285508 |
Mobile No | The mobile number of the Party/Supplier | 9865423170 |
Fax No | The Fax number of the Party/Supplier | Fax – 123 |
Email | The Email ID of the Party/Supplier | rameshmalhotra@gmail.com |
Email CC | This will be the secondary email id for the particular ledger | |
Website | The companies website of the Party/Supplier | www.jaicreations.com |
PAN No | Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a ten-digit alphanumeric number, issued in the form of a laminated tamper proof card, by the Income Tax Department of India. The Pan Card number of the Party/Supplier | |
GSTIN | All of these businesses will be assigned a unique Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN). (It should not exceed 15 characters) | 24AABCV123EDG54 |
GST Reg Type | GST registration types are assigned as Regular, Composition, Consumer & Unregistered | Regular, Composition, Consumer, Unregistered |
Service Tax No | It is the service tax number specified for the product every product has a different service tax number | ST123456789 |
VAT Tin No | TIN stands for Taxpayer Identification Number, is unique number allotted by Commercial tax department of respective State. It’s an eleven digit number to be mentioned in all VAT transactions and correspondence. TIN number is used to identify dealers registered under VAT. | 2744587275V |
CST No | CST (Central Sales Tax) ) is a form of indirect tax imposed only on goods sold from one state to another state. | 2744587275C |
VAT Reg Type | VAT registration is the process of listing your business with the government as active in production and sales. Following are the types of VAT registration 1) Regular 2) Composition | |
Opening Balance | The opening balance is the amount of funds in a company’s account at the beginning of a new financial period. | 5000/- |
Dr / Cr | Type Debit Credit Personal The receiver The giver Real What comes in What goes out Nominal All incomes and gains All expenses and losses | |
Bill Name | Ideally this will be the number against which payment has been made and to be knocked off | |
Bill Date | This will be the date of opening balance or of the particular invoice date |
4) Important Note
-Option “Ignore errors during data import” should be YES. Find this option on Gateway of Tally > Press F12 > General
In case of any query, kindly write us on support@excel2Tally.in
For more details visit www.excel2tally.in